About Dr. John Vigil
Dr. John Vigil, or “The Stretch Doc” as he’s known to his patients, graduated from Texas Chiropractic College in 1999 and worked in Houston, TX. for 12 years before relocating to Las Vegas, Nevada in 2008. While working with patients, he discovered a true passion in the athletic community for sports and care related to sports injuries and preventative practice, as well as working with the many day to day employees, students, kids, and retirees.
Dr. John assesses each patient using specific palpation techniques looking for various disruptions in the fascia tissue that can involve trigger points, compensations/over-compensations, myofascial disorders, neurological disruptions, decreased range of motion, and structural function (joint motion).
Once this assessment is complete, Dr. John executes a comprehensive plan to restore balance, function, and relief to the effected area utilizing Gravitational Pattern Alignment (GPA) Chiropractic Technique, Fascia Stretch Therapy, Myofascial Release Techniques, Percussion Therapy, and Functional Training/Conditioning to restore a sense of well-being.
Dr. John is a Chiropractic Physician of 24 years and has trained in Fascia Stretch Therapy for medical and fitness individuals for the last 13 years.
Dr. John has utilized Fascia Stretch Therapy on people of all ages who range from recreational athletes to professional athletes such as Ultra-Runners, Triathletes, Tennis Player, Ballet Dancers, Circus Aerialists, and UFC/MMA Coaches and fighters, as well as, infants and kids.
Dr. John is also involved in many community aspects such as Breast Cancer walks, Climb the Stratosphere Stairs for American Lung Association, and providing educational talks about Chiropractic Care, Ultra-Running, all while having fun along the way.
Dr. John currently chooses Erchonia Cold Low-Level Lasers due to their extensive research and FDA support, and continues to study the new developments currently taking place with laser technologies. He is always striving to bring the most current, yet best-studied and safest treatments in physical medicine to his patients.
Harnessing the power of both red and violet cold low-level lasers, the EVRL uses low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to safely and effectively treat a broader range of conditions than many other cold lasers available today. The combination of lasers in this innovative design offers unique anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties and can treat an extensive range of conditions, to name a few:
Chronic or Acute Pain
Neck & Back Pain, Nerve Root Pain, Minor Nerve Damage
Disc Herniations and Bulging
TMJ Pain/Dysfunction
Golfers Elbow/Tennis Elbow